Getting started with Elevate's autonomous checkout

Welcome to the Elevate API Docs. Here you will find guides, resources, and references to build with Elevate.

Our autonomous checkout APIs allow you to make purchases on behalf of your customers.

We recommend starting with our integration guides:

  • Customer onboarding walks through how to gather various account, payment, and shipping information from your customers in order to make autonomous payments on their behalf.
  • Making purchases guides you through the process of making a purchase for your customers using the PurchaseIntent API.

Check out the API reference for more detailed information about each API.

Additionally, our Testing overview contains instructions on how to use testmode, along with a set of useful tools to test various scenarios deterministically.

Supported integrations

Guest checkout

We currently support guest checkout experiences at US merchants shipping to customers with US addresses.

Authenticated checkout

We currently support authenticated checkout experience at the following merchants:

Getting help

Reach out in your slack channel or email us at support AT